Personalizing your elopement: 5 things to include

Personalizing your elopement: 5 things to include

MakeThinking of elopement often brings to mind the image of a couple running to the courthouse to be married before anyone can stop them. But it doesn’t have to be! A desire for a small intimate gathering is nothing to be ashamed of, but don’t forget to make big wedding memories at small wedding prices by personalizing your elopement! Here are 5 things to do to make sure you create beautiful elopement memories.

  1. Make use of your inside jokes: A small and intimate elopement tends to mean that the only invitees are those you trust. Let them get to know you, and cherish a beautiful moment with your soon-to-be spouse by putting your inside jokes everywhere. That yellow cake you thought looked a little radioactive on your first date? Make your cake yellow (minus the radiation!). Do you enjoy poking fun at your man for always forgetting his keys? Make generic keys as a take-home goodie for the guests. These memories should spark joy and on a day this special, don’t settle for less.
  2. Choose a place that works for you – not your family. Elopements mean that you are cutting much of the cost of the big ceremony – use the funds to enjoy a cheap destination elopement! Go somewhere special to you and your special someone. Find a place on your bucket lists for a picturesque outdoor elopement ceremony, or look to your shared memories for a meaningful place in your past. Anything from a cozy cabin wedding to a beachfront vow exchange works if it means something to you.
  3. Minimize the fluff: We get it. Tradition holds that a lot of things happen on wedding days. But don’t let tradition cost you a great experience. Besides, we all know that it doesn’t take much for the most expensive wedding to become the most awkward wedding. Find an officiant, make vows to the point, and remember: people know how to put gifts on a table, a reception line isn’t always necessary! If you want to beat the average cost of a wedding, trim the fat and focus on the point: you are getting married! Hit the essentials on the checklist and move forward.
  4. Make intentional memories: A couple I once knew simply eloped instead of having a traditional wedding. Although it was a quick elopement, they knew what they wanted to capture. They planned ahead on what photos they wanted, the people they wanted there, and the moments they wanted to create as they started their lives together. It’s true that an elopement is one of the cheapest ways to get married, but it doesn’t have to feel thrown together at the last minute. Consult with your elopement package designer so that on your big day, nothing’s left to chance.
  5. Let the budget be your friend: Think about the most expensive wedding you’ve ever attended. Do you think the bride and groom remember every element of the experience? Of course not! If you are eloping with a goal to save money, let the budget guide you. Spend on what you want to remember, and get creative with the rest. If travel is your hope, then go with the leaner-priced dress and suit! A typical wedding budget includes far too many elements that fall by the wayside. Elopements tend to be cheaper than the average cost of a wedding – let it work to make your special day even better! Check out our packages, where professionals have done the work for you, at a much lower price than the average cost of a wedding planner.